Easton Allred

Episode #376

Witnessing people conquer adversity is truly inspiring, and few exemplify resilience like Easton Allred. A graduate from BYU, Easton delves into Advertising and Entrepreneurship with fervor. A former top long-distance runner, his journey took a detour due to surgeries and a mysterious illness, halting his athletic career.

Yet, Easton’s spirit remains undefeated. With personal records of 3:59 in the mile and 13:45 in the 5k, he’s proven his mettle on the track. Since then, he’s delved into the startup realm, dedicating himself to aiding those battling chronic illness.

His story is a testament to the power of perseverance and the human spirit. Listen to Easton’s journey—it’s a reminder that no obstacle is insurmountable. Thank you, Easton, for showing us that limitless potential resides within each of us.


You can connect with Easton here:

IG: @eastoncreed

Web:  https://eastonallred5.myportfolio.com/home

LinkedIn:  https://www.linkedin.com/in/easton-allred/

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