Kelsey Autry

Episode #234

Kelsey Autry is a light that is now shining bright!  You will not believe what Kelsey has overcome in her life.  Abandoned by her parents when she was a child, 13 years of addiction, 3 DUI’s, overdoses, criminal charges, jail, and the worst was the lie that ‘she would always be a junkie!’  Now, in January she is going to celebrate with her supportive husband and two beautiful children, 4 years of being clean and sober!

“I will always be a Junkie.” That’s the lie she told herself. She couldn’t see a future past waking up & feening for her next high. Doing whatever it took. She was lost & broken inside. Filled with darkness.

She now lives in the light and has a powerful story that will inspire you to have hope to overcome your own challenges.  Kelsey says to go after it! And for the ones looking down on you- (trust me, she had MANY), let them be the biggest motivators in your recovery!  It feels good to know they now see her thriving when they once called her trash!  Not anymore!  SHE HAS RECOVERED!

If you’re lost & broken inside right now- reach out. Seek treatment. It saved Kelsey’s life and I pray it saves yours, too. 🙏.  


You can connect with Kelsey here:



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